FELCA membership = Automatically being StudyTravel Reference-Checked

In 1998, Study Travel’s Alphe Conferences were the first to guarantee quality agencies attending its conferences, by establishing reference-checking via your educator partners. After all, nothing beats a good reference!

Your agency is a member of FELCA via your national association. Study Travel has always had a close relationship with agent and educator associations, and also with FELCA and GAELA.

To reflect the quality guarantee that comes with being a FELCA member, ST Alphe stopped requiring Felca agencies to provide references two years ago, so this message is to let you know this.

Besides this meaning less work for you, it also means less work for your educator partners, who will no longer be required to write four references every two years, (which will be still required of non-FELCA members).

It also gives your agency a range of benefits across StudyTravel products.

FELCA membership means:

You don’t need to get reference-checked in order to attend StudyTravel’s Alphe Conferences.
• Your agency company profile on studytravel.network will display both your national association logo and the FELCA Accredited logo* to the 9,000+ active users.
• Your agency company profile and all individual agent profiles linked to it on studytravel.network, will have the StudyTravel reference-checked logo automatically applied* to it. This means your profile will show up in any ‘reference-checked’ filters which educators and service providers may use to source new agent partners.
• Your agency will get the advanced updates from StudyTravel about all new and upcoming ST Alphe conferences, before public release, giving you additional notice to secure your place.

One Comment

  • Stella Sinizza

    Study Travel has always been of great help

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