đŸ‡§đŸ‡· Belta

Brazilian Educational & Language Travel Association


BELTA – Brazilian Educational & Language Travel Association – is a non-profit civil society that works on a national scope. Launched in 1992, it was the first association into the International Education field in Latin America. Today, BELTA congregates 76 organizations, making an account of approximately 600 exchange agencies in Brazil, 30% of them already offering inbound programs in our country. These companies are committed to acquainting, promoting, intermediating and executing education and exchange services (educational and cultural programs, courses, internship and volunteer work programs), in Brazil and overseas.

Besides promoting Study and Exchange Travel, BELTA oversees the excellence of the services offered by its associated companies, elevating their appraisal under the eyes of both consumers market and international partners. The admission of new partners into the association shall only occur subsequently to a demonstration of integrity before the market and a conduct in accordance to the Social Statute and the association’s rigid Code of Ethic.

National Report

Send a message to Belta

    General Information

    Av. Paulista, 1765 – 7° andar, conjunto 72 – CV: 9598 Bela Vista – SĂŁo Paulo – SP / 01311-930 /

    Phone: +55 (11) 99323-4794

    Website: www.belta.org.br

    Contact Detail

    Contact detail: Mrs. Maria Eglantine Gabarra
    E-mail: info@belta.org.br

    Our Members

    FYI IntercĂąmbios

    Ms Perpétua Devite

    Type: Agency
    Phone: (11) 4301-1110
    Address: Rua Padre Marchetti, 218 - Ipiranga - SĂŁo Paulo/SP
    Post Code: 04266-000
    Email: falae@fyi-intercambios.com.br
    Site: https://www.fyi-intercambios.com.br/

    Go Ahead

    Ms Ariane Machado

    Type: Agency
    Phone: (12) 98316-0343
    Fax: (12) 98316-0343
    Address: Av. Alfredo Ignåcio Nogueira Penido, 335 - sala 1302 - Altos do Esplanada, São José dos Campos - SP, Brasil
    Post Code: 12246-000
    Email: ariane.machado@gaintercambios.com.br
    Site: https://www.gaintercambios.com.br/

    Gold Tassel

    Mr. Gavur Kirst

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +55 65 2129-5520
    Fax: +55 65 2129-5520
    Address: Rua das Sucupiras., 264 - Jardim ItĂĄlia, CuiabĂĄ - MT, Brasil
    Post Code: 78050-402
    Email: info@goldtassel.com.br
    Site: https://www.goldtassel.com.br/

    Gradeup Educational Consultancy

    Mr Leonardo Trench

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +55 (11) 93718-1750
    Address: Av. do Batel, 1750 - Sala 305 - Batel, Curi ba/PR
    Post Code: 80420-090
    Email: contato@gradeup.com.br
    Site: https://gradeup.com.br/

    Green System

    Mr. André Araujo

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +55 31 3311-8559
    Fax: +55 31 3311-8556
    Address: Av. Bandeirantes, 844 – Belo Horizonte - MG
    Post Code: 30315-000
    Email: intercambio@greensystem.com.br
    Site: https://www.greenintercambio.com.br/

    Griffe Viagens e Turismo

    Ms Maria Cristina de Araujo

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +55 71 999953127
    Address: Rua do Predio, 20 - Saubara - BA
    Post Code: 44.220-000
    Email: cristina@griffe-ie.com
    Site: www.griffe-ie.com

    GX IntercĂąmbio

    Ms Andresa Godoy

    Type: Agency
    Phone: (11) 4033-3018
    Address: Avenida Antonio Pires Pimentel, 1476 - Centro, Bragança Paulista - SP, Brasil
    Post Code: 12900-011
    Email: 'andresa@gxintercambio.com.br'
    Site: https://gxintercambio.com.br/

    Hi Bonjour

    Ms ThaĂ­s Della Nina

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +1 (514) 718-3559
    Address: Rua Padre Adelino, 2074 - conj 121 - Tatuapé, São Paulo - SP, Brasil
    Post Code: 03303-000
    Email: thais.dellanina@hibonjour.com
    Site: https://hibonjour.com/


    Ms. Isabel Mattos

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +55 21 2523-4942
    Fax: +55 21 2521-2754
    Address: Rua Visconde de PirajĂĄ, 207 sbl. 302 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
    Post Code: 22410-001
    Email: 22410-001
    Site: https://www.icce.com.br/

    IE – IntercĂąmbio no Exterior

    Mr. Marcelo Melo

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +55 27 3038-3900
    Fax: +55 27 3227-7445
    Address: Rua Chopin, 42 - Bloco 3 - Barro Vermelho - VitĂłria - ES
    Post Code: 29055-530
    Email: ie@ie.com.br
    Site: https://www.ie.com.br

    Intercultural Cursos no Exterior

    Mr. Felipe Jendiroba

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +55 48 3229-7900
    Fax: +55 48 3322-0569
    Address: Rua Durval MelquĂ­ades de Souza, 756 cj 13 - FlorianĂłpolis - SC
    Post Code: 88015-070
    Email: intercultural@intercultural.com.br
    Site: https://www.intercultural.com.br/

    International Schools

    Ms. Maria Thereza Cardoso de Mello Silva

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +55 21 2263-8175
    Fax: +55 21 2263-8385
    Address: Rua Uruguaiana, 10 – Salas 506/507 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
    Post Code: 20050-090
    Email: info@internationalschools.com.br
    Site: http://www.internationalschools.com.br/


    Ms. Paula Starling

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +55 31 3221 8688
    Fax: +55 31 3282 8027
    Address: Rua Lavras, 68 SĂŁo Pedro - Belo Horizonte - MG
    Post Code: 30330-010
    Email: intervip@intervip.tur.br
    Site: http://www.intervip.tur.br/

    JUST IntercĂąmbios

    Ms. Neila Chammas

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +55 15 3234-3400
    Address: Avenida Mario Campolim, 278 - Sorocaba - SP
    Post Code: 18047-600
    Email: falecom@justintercambios.com.br
    Site: http://www.justintercambios.com.br/

    Lions IntercĂąmbio

    Mr. Lucas Guilherme Silva

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +55 11 3926-2738
    Fax: +55 11 3926-2738
    Post Code: 01311-915


    Ms Jocelis Martins

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +55 19 4042-0129
    Address: Rua XV DE Novembro ,NÂș 2480 - Piracicaba - SĂŁo Paulo
    Post Code: 13416-756
    Email: info@mundo4u.com.br
    Site: www.mundo4u.com.br

    On Education

    Mr Daniel Cuenca

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +5511943266699
    Address: Avenida Paulista, 807 Conjunto 2315 - SĂŁo Paulo
    Post Code: 01311-100
    Email: daniel.cuenca@oneducation.co
    Site: www.oneducation.co

    Optima IntercĂąmbio


    Type: Agency
    Phone: (35) 3295-8129
    Address: Praça 8 de março, 32 - Machado/MG
    Post Code: 37750-000
    Email: contato@optimaintercambio.com.br
    Site: https://www.optimaintercambio.com.br

    Roda Mundo IntercĂąmbio

    Ms. Roberta Gutschow

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +55 11 3034-3260
    Address: Av. Pedroso de Morais, 677 - Cj. 12 Pinheiros – São Paulo - SP
    Post Code: 05419-000
    Email: contato@rodamundo.tur.br
    Site: https://www.rodamundo.tur.br/

    S7 IntercĂąmbio

    Ms. Fernanda Lassala

    Type: Agency
    Phone: +55 51 2108-7171
    Fax: +55 51 2108-7199
    Address: Av. Cel Lucas de Oliveira, 505/ 910 Mont Serrat- Porto Alegre
    Post Code: 90440-011
    Email: contato@grupos7.com.br
    Site: https://s7study.com/