ARSAA Actions
ARSAA sponsored the ILF &Workshop Latin America 2023, which took place in Buenos Aires from 8th to 10th September. ARSAA held its AGM with all its members in order to set up an action plan for 2024.
At the end of the fair, ARSAA offered all participants a City Tour of Buenos Aires.
ARSAA has 21 members and is reviewing four new agency applications at the moment.
ARSAA´s president, Gabriela Ardito, took part in the FELCA AGM 2023 in London, where she was appointed board member of FELCA. She also participated in a panel during the ILF Buenos Aires, and a panel during ICEF Latin America alongside agencies representing Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico, a panel during the English USA Stakeholders´ Conference, and was invited by the Embassy of Canada to take part in a round table with Canadian educators in order to provide an update on the current local trends of the market. She also attended the BETA Parliamentary Reception 2023 and will offer a seminar sesión during ICEF Berlin in November 2023.
ARSAA is currently developing marketing strategies with English South Africa and also trying to sign an agreement with a national credit card firm so as to facilitate payments abroad from Argentina.
Veronica Ferreyra
Very nice pictures!